Sunday, 30 October 2011

Chinese Roast Duck with Steamed Rice and Lemon Stir Fried Veggies.

When I went to Hobart recently stocked up on various awesome food stuffs, including frozen fake meats by Lamoyng. I was so stoked at my finds at the Asian grocer Wing & Co., then I ate too much fake meat too quickly and the thought of eating anymore made my stomach turn. So all this food has been taking up room in my freezer and tonight I decide I had better start making a dent in the stocks so as I can restock it with other meals I want to make. 
Because the fake meat is quite glutinous, and I still don't know how to go about preparing it, I wanted to try and make it crispy, which I have tried before and failed, but tonight it was a success.
Check it out :)
Chinese Roast Duck with Steamed Rice and Lemon Stir Fried Veggies. 
Serves 2.
  • 200g Lamyong (Sayur) Vegetarian Roast Duck
  • Vegetable oil (I used Canola) for shallow frying
  • 2 packets of Lee Kum Kee Lemon Chicken sauce (from the Asian section of the supermarket)
  • Mix of your fave veggies to stir fry, I used capsicum, snow peas, carrot, onion and broccoli
  • 1 tsp olive oil for cooking veggies
  • Steamed white rice
  1. Start steaming rice, I just use a rice cooker.
  2. Cut up veggies and have them ready to go.
  3. Heat the oil for frying the the "duck".
  4. Whilst oil is heating cut duck into thin strips. Fry when oil is hot, this only takes a few minutes, I did it in batches. I also drained the "duck" on a cooling rack over a baking sheet and then kept the strips warm in the oven set to 160oC whilst I was prepping everything else as I wasn't overly organised, watch them though, mine dried out a little too much.
  5. Heat oil in a large fry pan or wok and stir fry veggies.
  6. When just about cooked to your liking add the packets of sauce, you may only need 1 pack, I like things a bit saucy though.
  7. When everything is cooked put the "duck" into the saucy veggies and coat it all with the sauce and dish up with the rice (which I happen to think is the way to go) or do what I did and dish the "duck" up on the rice and the veggies on the side, as pictured above.
This did not turn my stomach at all, as even though it may not be the healthiest method of cooking out there, shallow frying the "duck" took away the spongy glutinous feeling of the product and left it very crispy and let the flavours shine through!

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