Saturday, 12 November 2011

A Weekend at Home!

I normally work on Saturdays, but this week I swapped my shift to help out a friend, which means I get FOUR whole days at home!!
At the moment I am thoroughly enjoying Rage, especially because it's very Hip-Hop heavy today. I'm also loving the fact that I had time to make a totally KICK ARSE breakfast of tofu scramble, not the prettiest thing to eat, but DAMN it was good!!
The rest of my plans for this wonderfully long weekend are gardening and FINALLY setting up my little veggie/herb garden, AND going to the shelter and picking up a little of baby foster kittens. Also catching up on all of my forgotten blog posts, AND LOTS of cooking!! 
Seriously, could it get ANY better?! Well I will also be popping down to the Evandale markets and catching up with the folks and my Grandmother who is staying with them this week as well, so a totally jam packed awesomeness-filled few days, WOOT WOOT!!

 Tofu Scramble.
  • 80-100g firm tofu, crumbled, I use Simply Better Foods Organic Tofu.
  • 3-4 button mushrooms, sliced
  • A good chunk of capsicum, sliced into small/bite sized pieces
  • 1 Tbs nutritional yeast
  • 1 Tbs American/yellow mustard
  • 3 Tbs tomato sauce
  • 2 slice of toast, I like Helga's Soy & Linseed bread,, or GF toast.
  1. Prepare ingredients.
  2. Heat pan med-high, u may want a little spray of oil just to coat your pan.
  3. Toss all ingredients in, cook till mushies are wilted and flavours have infused the tofu.
  4. Cook toast, dish scramble on top of it and if you like, as I very much do, have with a glass of chocolate soy milk. 
For anybody who thinks that vegans don't get enough protein, tell them to suck on this, it's 30g worth, that's approx 1/2 your daily protein requirement, HELLS YEAH BITCHES!!

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